Talk:Surfer dies at beach in Pichilemu, Chile

Latest comment: 13 years ago by in topic Title



The OR information I put into the article was about Josefa Tapia and her wall, etc. The school information I got it because I study there too (she's like two years younger though), but I could see her when she was leaving. Etc.

アンパロ Io ti odio! 00:57, 20 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

アンパロ Io ti odio! 01:00, 20 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Content extracted, as people apparently won't be able to access those pages


From the first link:

Rocìo Moraga Espinoza
Mucha FUERZA en estos momentos!!! mi niña JoShefaa Tapia tu hermana siempre estarà contigo cuidándote y protegiéndote desde el cielo, recuerda los momentos que viviste con ella y que te hicieron feliz junto a tu familia. Un Besito y un abrazo.
Ayer a las 21:08 · Ver publicación

Translated: "My thoughts are with you, my darling, Josefa Tapia, your siter will always be with you, watching out and protecting you from heaven, remember the moments you lived with her, and that made you happy with your family. A kiss and a hug." Yesterday 00:08 UTC.

From the second link, I even feel scared of so many comments and things there... pictures, videos:

Orlando Diaz Langdon
Amiiiigaaaaaaaaa se que estas en un lugar mejor pasandolo increible!!! eres la mejor!!! te quiero infinitamente!!!!
Hace 4 horas

Arturo Fer
Te recordaremo siempre paulii ... estaras en el cielo junto a tus grandes sessiones descansa en paz.....
Hace 8 horas

Respective translations are in the article. Orlando Díaz: "Friend, I know you're in a better place having an incredible time! You're the best! I love you infinitely." Arturo Fer: "We'll always remember you Pauli, you'll be in heaven with your great sessions [?, wonder what did he mean]. Rest in peace."

From the third link:

Domingo Osorio Figueroa > Paulina Constanza Tapia Figueroa
Para quienes quieran dar el ultimo adios a Pauli, sus restos seran velados en Rancagua a partir de la una de la tarde en Funerales Rodriguez, ubicado a un costado del Gimnasio Hermogenes Lizana.
Les estare informando mas detalles.
Gracias a todos por el apoyo, pero les pido que se lo sigan dando sobretodo a sus padres
Hace 11 horas

"For those who want to give the last goodbye to Pauli, their remains will be veiled in Rancagua from 13:00 in Funerales Rodríguez, near the Hermogenes Lizana gymnassium. I'll be letting you know for more details. Thank you all for your support, but I want you to keep on giving it specially to her parents."

From a further comment:

Domingo Osorio Figueroa Manana se saldra de la funeraria a eso de las 11:30 con direccion a la parroquia de la Rancagua Sur y de ahi al parque jardin las flores.
Lo mejor es que todos partamos desde la funeraria a la parroquia para que nadie se pierda.
Gracias nuevamente a todos
Hace 7 horas

"Tomorrow we'll leave the [Rodríguez Funeraria] mortuary at about 11:30, going to the South Rancagua Parish, and then we'll leave for the Parque Jardín Las Flores. The best is that we all go from the mortuary to the parish, so nobody gets lost. Thank you again everyone."

アンパロ Io ti odio! 01:21, 20 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Translation of source


アンパロ Io ti odio! 02:27, 20 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Further quote

Dan Lara Cortés
paulita descansa en paz con cariño , te extrañare muxo , buenas olas y hasta ciempre....
Hace 5 horas

"Paulita, rest in peace with love, I'll miss you a lot, great waves and farewell forever."

I'll replace one quote with this. アンパロ Io ti odio! 03:14, 20 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

Review of revision 1217233 [Passed]


Review of revision 1217339 [Passed]




The title should read, "Surfer drowns in..." as well as the sentence in the passage that has this phrase. We don't say "dies drowned" in English. Nolween (talk) 06:52, 20 April 2011 (UTC)Reply

That or "dies of drowning". (talk) 13:41, 20 April 2011 (UTC)Reply
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