Talk:Purged Chinese leader Zhao Ziyang dies at 85

I moved this page from "Controversial Chinese leader Zhao Ziyang dies at 85" to "Purged Chinese leader Zhao Ziyang dies at 85" because every leader is controversial. Noting that he was purged is more informative. --Jiang 10:52, 17 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Good call. I had trouble with the headline — this one is better. -- IlyaHaykinson 11:20, 17 Jan 2005 (UTC)

Please write new article, rather than unbalancing old article


I appreciate your edits to this article; they offer additional interpretation of historical events and background. However, they are clearly biased toward a view of Zhao Ziyang which is not universal. Furthermore, they are edits to an article which is now more than a week old.

The information you added is still valid, and would make the basis of an excellent article comparing the current administration to previous ones, or as a larger article regarding Zhao Ziyang's influence and impact on the ongoing changes in mainland China's culture/government/history, or a variety of other possible articles. Wikinews needs new articles more than updates/edits to old articles; and your work will be viewed by more people too. - Amgine 04:26, 25 Jan 2005 (UTC)

The text was drawn from an article that is the same age as this one. I really don't see what I'm doing wrong here. Can you lead me to a policy page that states I shouldnt do this? I don't see the POV in my edits either. I removed the quotation since it could be taken as POV...but I don't see what's wrong with the rest. It would be inappropriate for me to take information from a source written on January 17, 2005 and label it as Janaury 24. This article, as it stood, was seriously lacking in content if we want to call it an "obituary" --Jiang 04:49, 25 Jan 2005 (UTC)
I think what Amgine was referring to is a more subtle case of POV than you're thinking of. For example "- in tears - to abandon their protest and go home in order to avoid being crushed by the columns of Army tanks that would force their way into the square two weeks later on June 4" is worded in such a way that it promotes certain interpretations. Mentioning that he was "in tears" is not historically significant in this case, but is more meant to jerk emotions. In this example, "crush" and "force" are the same thing. Not saying that it's particuliarly strongly POV, but it can be worded in such a way that is more NPOV. [[User:Consequencefree|User:Consequencefree/Sig]] 07:09, 25 Jan 2005 (UTC)
I've tried to deal with that. "In tears" is historically significant because it convey's Zhao's emotions. It, in itself, is not emotive language--Jiang 09:09, 25 Jan 2005 (UTC)
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