Talk:Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Green candidate Doug Anderson, Whitby-Oshawa

Doug Anderson

Green Party candidate

Whitby-Oshawa riding



Why have you chosen to involve yourself in the political process?

The environment is in a mess and the Green Party is the only Party that knows how to fix it.

Why did you choose to run in this constituency? I’ve lived here for 37 years.

What prior political experience do you have?

     Active in the NDP in the early 60’s.
     Ran as an independent candidate in opposition to the GST in the 1993 federal election.
     Elected to the Federal Council of the Green Party in Aug/06

What skills and insight can you bring to office, from other non-political positions you may have held?

     Trained in science, 15 years as a hospital lab technologist including 5 in management.
     Entrepreneur: 15 years as a newspaper publisher/owner –Whitby Free Press and Durham Business News – extensive skills in media, marketing, and project management.
     Active in the heritage movement – received Ontario Volunteer Service Award for 25 years service to the Whitby Historical Society.

Which of your competitors do you expect to pose the biggest challenge to your candidacy? Why? What makes you the most desirable of all candidates running in the riding?

I am running in a field of my own and I expect to take votes from all of them.

What do you feel are the three most important issues to voters in your riding? Are these the same top three issues that are most important to you? Yes What would you do to address these issues?

The environment:

1) shift emphasis from roads to transit,

2) incentives to alternative energy so that the coal plants can be shut down ASAP,

3) Cancel any pending or in-process approvals for new garbage incineration including the one just down the road in Clarington.

What should be the first order of business in the 39th Legislative Assembly?

That depends. If it is a minority government and MMP is approved the first business should be to implement MMP so that it is in place for the next election.

Are the property taxes in your riding at a fair level for the amount of services received in the municipality?

Higher than they need to be. Because suburban municipal governments don’t get the media scrutiny that higher levels of government get, they get away with some sloppy spending.

How can the province lead the way in stimulating job creation?

By embracing sustainability. The carbon-based economy is coming to an end whether the oil companies want to admit it or not. There are two scenarios:

     It will end with a crash when oil falls into really short supply.
     We can plan for it. Those governments which encourage and support energy alternatives and sustainability will be creating good jobs for the new economy

What are your views on the mixed member proportional representation (MMP) referendum?

Support it!!!

What role, if any, does “new media” play in your campaign, and the campaign of your party? (websites, blogs, Facebook, YouTube videos, etc) Do you view it as beneficial, or a challenge?

I have built a fairly extensive website: but haven’t the time or manpower for the others.

Of the decisions made by Ontario's 38th Legislative Assembly, which was the most beneficial to your this electoral district? To the province as a whole? Which was least beneficial, or even harmful, to your this riding? To the province as a whole?

I can’t think of anything out of the last session which had a particular effect on this riding. The things that affect us are the bureaucratic implementations of long-ago decisions. These relate to growth issues like development, roads, GO transit, greenbelt, waste management … the list goes on.

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