Talk:Frank McEnulty continues White House run for New American, Reform parties, independently; talks to Wikinews



Third party candidates: Why should Americans vote for you, your party, and your campaign's platform? Independent candidates: Why should Americans vote for you and your campaign's platform?

Since I am running as both an affiliated and non-affiliated candidate, depending on the state, I believe my answer applies to both questions. Americans should vote for me or the campaign platform if and only if, they truly believe that it is the right thing for all Americans and offers the best road map for moving forward. Very few people will agree with everything that someone has to say, but if there is enough common ground and they truly believe the person will do what he/she says, then that is who they should vote for.

I do not believe that anyone should ever blindly vote for a party. A party does not get elected to office and the fact that parties have been allowed to come to rule politics as they have versus the individual is what is responsible for the terribly bad situation we find our politics in today.

All candidates: The election is nearing, and campaigns for all parties are reaching their final leg. What are your plans for the remaining weeks of the campaign? How will you continue to build on the awareness and momentum of your campaign? I will continue to work on building awareness for the campaign by reaching out through the internet, with email blasts and through radio appearances.

All candidates: If you aren't elected President in this election, can we expect to see your return to the ballot in 2012?

That is being explored at this time. Now that I truly understand what it takes to run a truly effective, nationwide campaign I will be involved when a proper plan can be implemented and developed.

All candidates: If readers are interested in your campaign, in what ways can they get involved?

Visit my website at . If you like what you see, tell everyone you know. A true independent can only gather the necessary momentum to get a campaign off the ground through word-of-mouth.


The first question is actually two questions. All other candidates will only have one of the two versions of the question, McEnulty (to my knowledge) is the only one to require both questions. Since his answer references there being alternate questions, I felt both were necessary.
Regarding external links, this is simply for standardization. Hopefully, most candidates won't mention the exact URL of their site in the answer, and thus the el section is beneficial to them. Just for sake of consistency, I've kept it here. -- Zanimum (talk) 19:34, 5 September 2008 (UTC)Reply
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