Talk:Britain loses AAA credit rating due to poor economic growth and continued austerity

Latest comment: 11 years ago by Tom Morris in topic Review of revision 1821168 [Passed]



Are all six sources really used in this article? If not, then remove them because wow. Six sources, if they all are not being used, makes this a much harder article to review. The comments inside the article make it only seem like three are used max. --LauraHale (talk) 14:30, 23 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

They are used to provide extra quotations which are not available in the main two articles which are also indicated. When a quote needs fetching from one of the other 4 articles it is indicated with inline referencing. I hope that's OK. --Computron (talk) 14:32, 23 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

My fear


My fear is that this will be ignored and remain not-reviewed, a further number of hours will pass and it will no longer be fresh. It's heading towards 48 hours and articles which are not time-sensitive are being given the attention despite being written 24 hours after this article. It's a concern to me. --Computron (talk) 16:58, 24 February 2013 (UTC)Reply

Review of revision 1821168 [Passed]

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