Talk:'No treaty withdrawal', says Lakota elder

Latest comment: 17 years ago by DragonFire1024 in topic Pong

Original research


these are my notes from my interview with Floyd Hand

(from previous interview) Get ahold af Floyd Hand. He's CGM's uncle. CGM said it was OK to contact

Fri 11 Jan 208, 2003GMT

Interview with Floyd Looks For Buffalo Hand, Treaty Delegate of the Oglala Sioux.

1) Identify self

"There was no treaty withdrawal. It was three people. I'm a treaty delegate."

June 25th 1856 -- Lakota conquered US

2) Your connection to Canupa Gluha Mani

blood uncle

3) Russell Means & "split"

"They have free speech"

European-Americans are "not honoring the treaty"

"They're still living here"

"Elders stated that they should remove themselves from treaty territory" -- Treaty Delegation members were warned that they should not live on the Reservations if they went ahead with the Declaration of Sovereignty.

"Publicity stunt"

"All the people of color in this world will go for unity and understanding and peace"

Europeans are "taking too muchout of the Mother Earth"

treaty delegation from each reservation -- don't want technology on our reservation.

[Russell Means has made statements about windfarms; CGM argued that with technology Lakota could be economically competitive]

"preserving the land and animals and letting the water remain free"

Does the Treaty Council have consensus on this?

"We all do the same 'cause we're all fullbloods. We all speak our own language"

meeting 28-29-30; treaty council will be deciding whether to break away from treaties. "~If we rely on a sovereign nation as a nation, relating to other nations with our economic development I think we can survvie"

deal with Japan. "We can be well off" but the contract with the US "handcuffs us through the federal programs" "sitiing down to negotiate"

sen Kerry -- Obama all people will work together

"Russell Means and Duane Martin and that lady, they do not speak for the nation. You've got to have consensus" among 8 tribes.

1974 meeting was *not* authorization. International meeting.

Phyllis Young = lady

Full name & title: Floyd Looks For Buffalo Hand, treaty delegate. Has already conferred with Oliver Red Cloud. Can be quoted in full by name for Wikinews.

--Stlemur 21:37, 11 January 2008 (UTC)Reply



Ping DragonFire1024 (Talk to the Dragon) 06:13, 12 January 2008 (UTC)Reply

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