Mummified baby found In Florida self-storage unit

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Friday, January 26, 2007

Florida's location

A partially-mummified baby was found Monday, January 22, 2007, in a Delray Beach, Florida, self-storage unit.

A woman was emptying her deceased parents' storage unit when she found a suitcase containing an object wrapped in newspapers. Within that suitcase was another suitcase containing the tightly-wrapped baby. When she recognized the object as a fetus, the woman contacted authorities.

The woman, who has yet to be identified, traveled from New Jersey to clear out the storage unit when she was informed the contents were to be sold at an auction.

According to police, her father died in 2002 or 2003 and her mother died last year in her 70's.

The newspapers used to wrap the child were from the January 9, 1957 edition of the Daily News, apparently from the New York area.

