File talk:Yeast oxygen production in various environments.svg

Generation of the chart edit

The chart was generated using a script.

# Author: Agastya
# License: BSD-3-Clause
# Description: Generation of this graph

import pandas as pd
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go

file = r'h2data/Yeast_Oxygen_Readings.xlsx'
data1 = pd.read_excel(file, sheet_name="H2_yeast")
data2 = pd.read_excel(file, sheet_name="CO2_yeast")
data3 = pd.read_excel(file, sheet_name="He_yeast")

fig = go.Figure()
fig.add_scatter(x=data1['Time (hours)'], y=data1['O2 partial pressure (microbars)'], mode='markers', marker=dict(size=6, color='rgba(160, 215, 211, 0.9)'), name='H2')
fig.add_scatter(x=data2['Time (hours)'], y=data1['O2 partial pressure (microbars)'], mode='markers', marker=dict(size=6, color='rgba(119, 158, 204, 0.3)'), name='CO2')
fig.add_scatter(x=data3['Time (hours)'], y=data1['O2 partial pressure (microbars)'], mode='markers', marker=dict(size=6, color='rgba(226, 108, 114, 0.1)'), name='He')

fig.update_xaxes(title_text='Time Elapsed (Hr)')
fig.update_yaxes(title_text='Oxygen partial pressure (microbars)')
fig.update_layout(title_text="Yeast oxygen partial pressure in various environments.", width=850, height=500)

fig.write_image("Yeast oxygen production in various environments.svg")
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