Comments:YouTube, Facebook blocked in Pakistan

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Comments from feedback form - "oh lord , retards"

oh lord , retards (talk)02:48, 6 June 2010

Comments from feedback form - "The only reason this article i..."

The only reason this article is making headlines is because of its popularity in America and/or Eurpoe, depending on various circumstances. (talk)06:35, 22 May 2010

And, did you never wonder why?

It might have something to do with considering free speech an absolute.

Drag your government, and your retarded, mysoginistic, dark-ages, religious whack-job government into the 21st Century.

Brian McNeil / talk19:28, 28 May 2010

Comments from feedback form - "not neutral"

not neutral

Pakistanfanforeva (talk)16:08, 28 May 2010

There still hasn't been clarification of who might've done it, though i'm pretty sure it's the militants. (talk) 05:49, 27 February 2010 (UTC)

It was a suicide blast, so that makes it quite obvious Rana (talk) 05:52, 27 February 2010 (UTC)
Rana (talk)05:54, 27 February 2010

wow.. technology makes life quick.. whatever that means.. (talk)17:19, 20 May 2010
Edited by 2 users.
Last edit: 16:11, 28 May 2010

The group was inspired by the episode of south park. The problem is that I think the point of the south park episode was that islam deserved no EXTRA respect over other religions in the media and tv in general. I don' think the idea was to activley taugnt muslims by creating facebook groups aimed at antagonisation. That said, there must be millions upon millions of facebook groups and you tube vids that contained opinions or acts that many may find offensive, why is the pakistani government concerning itself with these trivial matters?

Mcchino64 (talk)17:36, 20 May 2010

Comments from feedback form - "It is NOT justified to cut aw..."

It is NOT justified to cut away the ENTIRE arm, in case a tiny little mole develops on the arm.

Pakistan Government has blocked the ENTIRE site of "facebook", instead of blocking an Objectionable Page. (talk)16:40, 24 May 2010