Comments:Wreckage, victims of Air France Flight 447 found

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Comments from feedback form - "needs the grammar sorting out,..."

needs the grammar sorting out, several bad uses in para six. (talk)15:41, 24 April 2011

Robert Soulas

Whoa. How can this person go to sleep every night knowing that his two children are submerged in 4000ft of water. The thought of it horrifies me. (talk)05:08, 8 April 2011

That was my initial thought, however, let's remember that he has already spent two years dealing with the grief of this horrific loss and the daily knowledge that his children cannot be retrieved (until just recently) None of us (most definitely me) can really appreciate the space he is in. I certainly cannot judge him in any way, and can only vaguely imagine what his grief must be like.

RockyBob (talk)15:55, 9 April 2011

Comments from feedback form - "Excellent summary"

Excellent summary (talk)15:31, 8 April 2011

Comments from feedback form - "It gives us great confidence t..."

It gives us great confidence that this accident will contribute to improved safety levels in aeronautical products. (talk)15:02, 8 April 2011

Comments from feedback form - "The remus vehicles are auvs. S..."

The remus vehicles are auvs. Submarines in the industry are manned vehicles. There are 3 identical remus 6000 vehicles on the boat. (talk)11:31, 8 April 2011