Comments:Wikinews interviews former Congressman Virgil Goode, Constitution Party presidential candidate

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Congressman Goode seems to be very careful about answering his questions, which is a good thing. Caution and restraint are good qualities to have in a leader. However, his caution came across as that of someone trying not to alienate potential voters, not of someone who was genuinely not aware of the issues. And in the case that he truly wasn't aware of the issues, ignorance is not a favorable quality to have in a president.

In addition, the ideology behind his stance on immigration, while I agree with parts of it, was inherently flawed. His claim that illegal immigration takes away jobs from Americans may be true, but most of our skilled and unskilled manufacturing jobs are protected by federal and state laws. The jobs that illegal immigrants tend to take are in farming, janitorial and household services, skilled craftsmanship, restaurant industry, and certain technical vocations. Their labor tends to be more economical and efficient (more labor/less cost) and they provide valuable, yet under-appreciated, services to the United States. All in all, if you think about it, the institution of slavery in America (abolished circa 1863) has been substituted by wage slavery of blue and white collar Americans and the servitude of illegal immigrants (who due to their lack of rights, have turned into "an inferior social class" by our system). One can make the argument that those that came to America illegally chose to do so out of their own free will, so they should deal with it. And to that I say fine, sounds fair, but forcibly removing them from our country will kill today's faltering economy in the same way that Emancipation killed that of the South.

Nay, we need to focus on educating our youth and providing incentives for them to move to other skilled industries, ones that are currently inaccessible or avoided by "the illegals".

-Lion of Lincolnland

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Interesting015:29, 2 March 2012
Comments from feedback form - "This was a scripted interview."105:25, 2 March 2012


Last time I came across the Constitution Party, I thought they were rather more hot on the religion thing than Virgil Goode seems to be. That really was missing from the interview. But otherwise, interesting stuff.

Tom Morris (talk)15:29, 2 March 2012

Comments from feedback form - "This was a scripted interview."

This was a scripted interview. (talk)16:03, 28 February 2012

Your proof being?

Patrick M (TUFKAAP) (talk)05:25, 2 March 2012