Comments:Walter Frederick Morrison, inventor of frisbee, dies at age 90

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comments from feedback form - "good"018:20, 11 May 2011
lost to world of great person009:23, 4 October 2010

Comments from feedback form - "good"

good (talk)18:20, 11 May 2011

lost to world of great person

What shame to have lost such great person as man who created the frisbee as child that very much felt a need to learn how to throw one in my youth every moment in my life when such amazing person as inventor pass away I become that much more aware that from dust my faith says I came and to dust I shall return how short and passing life in general is in general and unless one finds a way to value the little things and all things are little things how one loses in life much as I lost never knowing inventor of such a device as toy I grewup and learned love nearly as much as favorite dogs, and cats and siblings and life in general. deepest sympathies to family and best wishes always as Mr. Morrison will always be deeply missed. perhaps even more in his own way as Mr. Jackson and his music. (talk)09:23, 4 October 2010