Comments:Wales railway upgrade proposals would cost £5bn, says expert

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£5bn? In all my 55 years I have never seen estimates achieved, they are often doubled in reality. What could we do with £10 billion? Let's start with the unquestionable fact that the north of Wales is inextricably with the north west of England, the road and rail connection is inadequate so the east west routes should be improved as a priority, same goes for the south of Wales. There is a large expanse of nothing in the middle of Wales, most of it is undevelopable because of planning controls in areas such as the national parks which make up almost 25% of the land mass of this sparsely populated small country.

We need sustanable housing and jobs, not white elephants like the air link between Anglesey and Cardiff.

Vested interests should not be allowed to influence policymakers, take the climate change 'scientists' for example... yes, please take them.