Comments:University defeat Toads in 2016 Sunshine Coast Rugby Union round 4

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University defeat Toads in 2016 sunshine coast Rugby union round 4014:40, 18 August 2016

University defeat Toads in 2016 sunshine coast Rugby union round 4

Reigning sunshine coast rugby premiers university gained their win of the 2016 season on Saturday, defeating the Nambour Toads 25-24 at the university of the sunshine coast in sippy Downs Queensland, Australia. The hosts took three minutes to score the match's opening try, scoring another eleven minutes later. Nambour conceded a penalty goal at the 18 minute mark of the half. They scored a converted try eleven minutes later to take a score of 15-7 in university's favor to the break. The lead would change hands four times in the second half.Nambour scored two tries in the first nineteen minutes to take a two point hit back two minutes after the second try to retake the lead. 20-17 in their favour.Nine minutes from full time they scored their fourth try of the afternoon. They converted it to take 24-20 lead University scored right on full time to take the win. Little brothers (talk) 14:40, 18 August 2016 (UTC)

Little brothers (talk)14:40, 18 August 2016