Comments:Ukrainian troops on Crimean border on high alert after rising tension with Russia

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Ominous parallels...021:52, 30 August 2016

Ominous parallels... the Sudetenland Crisis, then the ensuing invasion of Czechoslovakia by Germany. Of course, Russia counts on Europe knowing its own history more than we in the US do. This last move of his is a page torn out of the run-up to the Russian-German invasion of Poland, with a handful of "saboteurs" caught just in time to overwhelm a few thousand Russian servicemen.

We in the USA ought to remember whose "reset button" made this so possible. George W. Bush was actually holding maneuvers to contain Russian expansionism when Obama took over and Hillary Clinton held out that ridiculous "reset button" - which, while mislabeled and seemingly connected to nothing, was really a splendid opportunity for the Clinton Foundation to put some rubles in its pockets - at the expense of NATO nations' security. Vfrickey (talk) 21:52, 30 August 2016 (UTC)

Vfrickey (talk)21:52, 30 August 2016