Comments:US to reduce nuclear weapons arsenal

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Shot from the blind man | 2 | 16:21, 4 March 2010 |
While I think that Mr. Obama's philosophy overall is not good for the U.S. I do agree with his intention to drawdown the total number of nuclear weapons. Sort of a basic truth, a blind man will hit, at least, one worthwhile target if he shoots enough bullets.
President Obama can talk about reducing America's nuclear arsenal by however many thousands of weapons he wants. I doubt he will be successful for very long, if at all. This is another historic accomplishment he is reaching for; the next one he achieves in the field of governance other than making George Bush look like a sober spender will be the first.
I agree with 90% of President Obama's goals. this is one of those goals, as for spending Republicans steal peoples money and give it to fat cats on wall street.