Comments:US study examines suicide trends in depressed youth

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My comment for early suicide attempts.117:03, 2 December 2011

My comment for early suicide attempts.

Suicide attempts in younger age is lot and lot nowadays. Everything is that the teens getting into wrong ways in their younger age itself. They don't know how to overcome it so they finally going with this kind of attempts. The Counseling program should be given to both the parents and the youngsters separately. The main problem is that teens getting addict to the drugs and other things in their earlier age itself in that they getting lots of problems so they couldn't able to overcome it. They should get counseled and made comfort with their needs.

Preethi (talk)03:51, 30 November 2011

your right. also add bullying feeling out of pace at school and most of the time teachers don't give a fuck if a kid is getting bully right in front of them. (talk)17:03, 2 December 2011