Comments:US intelligence analyst arrested over Wikileaks video

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Comments from feedback form - "anytime any entity can present..." | 1 | 02:31, 13 August 2010 |
anytime any entity can present objective work at such a pressure level an excaliber service to truth is done
Seems to me after all the wars the United States has been involved in they would have learned the tragedies. There has probably been as many innocent civilians in the towns and villages of Iraq and Afghanistan killed by our forces and our enemies then the enemy we are supposed to be engaged in fighting. Will the United States and our Allies ever learn to keep our nose out of these uneducated, backward countries that don't even need, want, or understand our help. Will the United States ever learn how to protect these poor people rather then take out their wrath on fearing that Pakistan may someday send their nuclear weapons our way. One day one of these small countries surely will, and it will be all our doing. Robin Pasley