Comments:US freezes assets of suspected terrorist

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We111:06, 18 July 2010
Comments from feedback form - "It helps to alert an individua..."021:46, 17 July 2010

Just froze all his assets? --KDP3 (talk) 00:17, 17 July 2010 (UTC)

KDP3 (talk)00:17, 17 July 2010

I find it amazing too. How long does one have to be an internationally known terrorist with assets in the USA (or anywhere else) before they are frozen? Apparently many years.

How does that fit together with the intrusive banking regulations, particularly those used in international banking, that are always sold to the public as a means to "fight terrorism"? My opinion: not very well. (talk)11:06, 18 July 2010

Comments from feedback form - "It helps to alert an individua..."

It helps to alert an individual where to go to avoid and how to find out where these sources are coming from. Anyone can disband someone else from the use of a specific site however people come in from other directions. Close security alerts to the general public should also be carefully considered. In addition band any other site that promotes harmful content. (talk)21:46, 17 July 2010