Comments:US army commander in Afghanistan asks for more troops in leaked report

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US Military Counter-Insurgency Mission Afghanistan – Need for More Boots on Ground

The war in Afghanistan is a ‘War of Necessity’ and the reason is that Afghanistan supplies 90% of Global Narcotics Supply and Distribution to the West that helps fund worldwide terrorism. The Strategy of where do we want to go is the elimination of Narcotics or Counter-Narcotics, which should be coupled with the current Tactics or how we are going to get there through Counter-Insurgency Warfare. Both options provide the moral justification is killing two birds with one stone – narcotics that is being used to both fund terrorism, while meeting the terrorists goals through using the drugs as a chemical of mass destruction through Narco-terrorism.

Part of the Marine Doctrine of Counter-Insurgency is the setting up Combined Action Companies is Afghanistan, the problem, there are not enough Marines on the Ground to implement both the Strategy and Tactics that go with it. Conventional Military Thinking versus Small Unit Operations and Counter Insurgency Operations (Counter Guerrilla Warfare).

One of the key problems is that there has always been a historical lack of preparedness for constabulary operations due in part to conventional thinking and/or large unit operations which general forces are not well adapted to conduct because the role degrades conventional war capability.

The ultimate objective of the above activities is to create order in an unstable situation while assisting in and encouraging the development of social organization and public attitudes conducive to long-term stability. The operative of Afghanistan has been "Win the Hearts and Minds of the People" which was coined by the Combined Action Program in Vietnam - this has to be done on the local level.

Rural based insurgencies will continue to occur which will continue to be one of the principal threats to peace and stability within Afghanistan and the mid-east in general. The conventional military thinking will operate as a major obstacle to the to the development of the combine action capability. Look to the Marine Corps Small Unit War Manual! This is based upon the doctrine of running a combined action program - which was started by the United States Marine Corps in 1900 in Samoa -then for 18 years in Haiti and then 8 years in Nicaragua and six (6) years in Vietnam - it is based upon all my training in counter insurgency warfare and experience in the sierra combined action platoon which is the exact opposite of conventional warfare when you are doing nation building. The doctrine consists of: 1. Security (law enforcement) 2. Intelligence (grass roots level - identification of the insurgent infrastructure) 3. Psychological Warfare (Winning the Hearts and Minds of the People) 4. Civil Affairs (Coordination of Civic Action Commodities - supply chain and distribution to meet the basic needs of the people, Coordination of the civilian agencies, medical program, education, economic development, job training and military & Police training) 5. Military Patrolling (night ambushes, killer teams, reaction forces and day patrols) 6. Training - Adding the seventh piece of the doctrine 7 Counter-Narcotics