Comments:US and UK forces join Libyan attack

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Operation Odyssey Dawn210:13, 22 March 2011

Operation Odyssey Dawn

Really? Odyssey as in the story about a Greek who leaves his home to get involved in a war that doesn't really have anything to do with him, spends 10 years in a prolonged conflict and then another 10 years trying to pull out? Is this a bad joke or the most unfortunate name for a military operation ever? (talk)10:19, 21 March 2011

Is this just another war where power countries tare apart small countrys then re build them and some how manage to get there resources..... People are dying and that is terriable. However a country is allowed to have its own cicvil war. No country is perfect.

If this is about saving lives and giving freedom to libyans answer the folowing??

Where is America when the african country's kill thousands??? What beacause they have no massive oil supplies they see it as a waste of time?? or even a waste of money.

I don't believe in killing however libya is far from genocyde

And let me appologise for the spelling. (talk)04:37, 22 March 2011

US and UK, always the self proclaimed heroes... (talk)10:13, 22 March 2011