Comments:US and Mexico to revise counter-drug strategy

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More measures just to say "We're doing something"013:00, 28 March 2010
Shouldn't this article have a link and map to Mexico.115:27, 26 March 2010

More measures just to say "We're doing something"

As long as legalization is off the table, there will be no advancement. The way to eliminate violence caused by black market cartels is to eliminate the black market. Unfortunately, no matter how heavy the costs become, legalization is not even part of the visible public debate.

The intensification of the cartel problem is linked to the decriminalization of drug possession in some U.S. states. Unlike legalization, decriminalization is a wrong-headed counter-productive "solution" that only magnifies the various social pathologies caused by not allowing drugs as legitimate products. Actually, this middle ground is worse than either extreme. Full criminalization may be futile, bad policy, or unjustified by any of the proper roles of government, but at least it doesn't legitimize transfer of monies to organized groups of murderous thugs who rampage about victimizing our neighbours to the south with direct financing by unscrupulous Americans. Knowingly funding these terrorists should incur severe punishment. There's no room for half measures.

As an aside, I've had trouble getting some people to understand my position on this issue. They perceive some inherent contradiction in being for legalization but against decriminalization. There is none. (talk)13:00, 28 March 2010

Shouldn't this article have a link and map to Mexico.

Just a thought. (talk)08:32, 26 March 2010

The problem in mexico is the government is spend a lot of money to try win the war with the narco in this case the government doesn't have the power to stop this and the solution is in front try to legalize the drugs but what is the problem with this no is the people is the same political persons because inside of the government exist people that receive money from the narco that is the principal reason that the government can't win this war is better die to continue with this situation (talk)15:27, 26 March 2010