Comments:US Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia dies, aged 79

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Rumors have surfaced that suggest Scalia's death was part of a corrupt left wing conspiracy involving John Podesta, advisor to the Obama administration and later campaign manager of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, after Wikileaks released thousands of Hillary Clinton emails which incuded emails between John Podesta and powerful Democrat lobbyist Steve Elmendorf 4 days before Scalia's death. The email from Elmendorf simply stated "I am all in" and John Podesta's response was "Didn't think wet work meant pool parties at the Vineyard." The term 'wet work' is well known and documented as being a covert way of saying contract killing. Scalia's death meant that then president Barack Obama would be able to replace the life long republican Supreme Court Justice Scalia with a more left leaning Justice before Obama's final term had ended. This gave the Democratic party a much desired boost in the Supreme Court. As of now this theory has not been proven however.

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