Comments:US Senator Robert Byrd dies at age 92

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On racisim511:28, 30 June 2010
Comments from feedback form - "R.I.P Robert Byrd. Ow I wish y..."002:28, 30 June 2010

On racisim

I believe that he died a racist, just hid it for most of his life. His two "Nay" votes against supreme court justices Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas are proof of this. (talk)23:06, 29 June 2010

He was not racest. Overall he was one of the best senators of West Virginia.

Nascar199623:56, 29 June 2010

Lets not pay any attention to the fact he'd join the Klan.--KDP3 (talk) 00:30, 30 June 2010 (UTC)

KDP3 (talk)00:30, 30 June 2010

I believe he renounced racism, no? Even if he is hiding his racism, his record of pro-Civil Rights votes kinda makes his internal opinions and feeling more or less irrelevant from a societal point of view (talk)02:13, 30 June 2010

Maybe he was just voting the racist sentiments of his constituents, regardless of his own feelings. You know, doing his damn job. (talk)04:40, 30 June 2010

– 1942: Joins the KKK; eventually rises to the rank of “Exalted Cyclops.”

– 1945: Writes “Rather I should die a thousand times, and see Old Glory trampled in the dirt never to rise again, than to see this beloved land of ours become degraded by race mongrels, a throwback to the blackest specimen from the wilds.”

– 1947: Says in a letter that the Klan is needed “like never before” and declares that he is “anxious to see its rebirth.”

– 1964: Attempts to filibuster the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It wasn’t out of principled libertarian support for property rights. Cites a racist study claiming that black people’s brains are statistically smaller than white people’s.

– 1967: Votes against Thurgood Marshall’s Supreme Court nomination. Went to J. Edgar Hoover to see if Marshall had any Communist ties that could ruin his nomination.

– 1968: Tells the FBI that it’s time that Martin Luther King, Jr., “met his Waterloo.” FBI ignores him.

– 1991: Votes Against Clarence Thomas’ Supreme Court nomination. Becomes the only senator in the body to have voted against both black Supreme Court nominees.

– 2001: Refers to what he called “white niggers” on national television. Try to imagine, say, Haley Barbour being given a pass after calling someone a “white nigger.

Every can act like he is "redeem" since is was anti-war and anti-bush when he was president.--KDP3 (talk) 11:28, 30 June 2010 (UTC)

KDP3 (talk)11:28, 30 June 2010

Comments from feedback form - "R.I.P Robert Byrd. Ow I wish y..."

R.I.P Robert Byrd. Ow I wish you are not dead by now. (talk)02:28, 30 June 2010