Comments:US Representative Anthony Weiner resigns over sexual conduct

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
sex scandal without actual sex004:59, 18 June 2011
The Down Side of Being a Celebrity.000:41, 18 June 2011

sex scandal without actual sex

Ironically, Weiner didn't even have any physical relationships with these women! I think people may have overreacted to the situation a bit much... after all, Bill Clinton wasn't forced to resign after his little "scandal", and he had physical sex!

Ragettho (talk)04:59, 18 June 2011

The Down Side of Being a Celebrity.

Celebrities of all types: When you insist in standing in the spotlight, you're going to cast harsh shadows. Get used to it. Adjust your behavior, or get out of the light. (talk)00:41, 18 June 2011