Comments:US Marine Corps blame deadly Morocco Osprey plane crash on pilots

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The marines lost were cpl. Derek Kerns and Cpl. Robby Reyes.

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Morocco Osprey plane crash 121:23, 23 January 2013

Morocco Osprey plane crash

Pilot error I don’t think so, why not software error?

JackB393 (talk)00:10, 1 September 2012

Why not Design error... (this design concept is plaged with shortcommings and failures, it is both a mediocre plane and a too-mediocre helicopter, but has rewarded its maker a lot of money. Now saying that the design is "safe" is making a too stretched affirmation (more like a resounding lie), as it is a very unstable and difficult to fly machine with quite a few accidents in its scarce operating time. Now the poor pilots will pay the price, in order to "save" whatever it remains of the doubtful prestige of this machine. Amclaussen. (talk)21:23, 23 January 2013