Comments:UN report: climate change and food shortage major problems for Earth's future

Latest comment: 16 years ago by Davumaya

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It seems like the UN is incapable of making predictions. You watch and see, in a few decades, the earth will cool down and they will think it is because of efforts against the global warming, wile in reality, it is going to be the return of global cooling. They don't want anyone to know about global cooling, but it was a big concern half a century ago. This heating up of the earth is part of the SUN's SEASONS and the ICE AGE SEASONS (it's not like there was only one ice age). And I am not going to argue here with anyone who is ignorant of these facts. But I will tell you that the UN doesn't want you to know them. Contralya 23:17, 25 October 2007 (UTC)Reply

Global cooling? Oh I think that's called ah... nuclear winter. And I think that comes after the atmosphere is so toxic that sunlight no longer penetrates the cloud cover. But hey, you can stick around for global cooling and I'll be on a rocket shop to Alpha Centauri. .:*:*:DAVUMAYA:*:*:. 02:57, 26 October 2007 (UTC)Reply