Comments:UK coach driver jailed for triple-death crash near London

Latest comment: 15 years ago by Blood Red Sandman

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Am I the only one who finds the sentencing for road traffic offences extremely lenient? I normally shrink away from screaming of 'not harsh enought!', 'lock them up for life!' etc. type comments, but in this case I must make one. When you consider this guys track record (one speeding conviction in a coach/bus every three years, disabling a speed limiter), the three deaths, and the fact that this guy wounded 65 people, a number maimed severely, as well as killed three means that realistically the penalty should really be more severe, and of course he should never have been allowed behind the wheel of any motor vehicle by the time the accident occured. As an asside, isn't it about time we had a charge of 'causing serious injury by dangerous driving'? Blood Red Sandman (Talk) (Contribs) 20:45, 27 November 2008 (UTC)Reply