Comments:UK animal welfare group prosecutes woman who threw cat into bin

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Disgusting200:26, 29 June 2011


People can be so evil. Who would ever, ever, throw a helpless cat into a wheelie bin. She deserves severe punishment. As someone with two cats, I can say that cats are one of the nicest animals around. Anyone who would harm them is totally evil.

Catlover324 (talk)13:54, 22 October 2010

they should put the bloody bitch in prison for a few years and let her think about it. (talk)22:52, 18 March 2011

i agree that it is totally disgusting and that no one in their right mind should want to throw a cat in a bin.... but a few years? the cat was unharmed. a fine and jail time should it ever happen again would be more suitable.

Astrocry (talk)00:26, 29 June 2011