Comments:U.S. presidential candidate Gary Johnson leaves GOP to vie for the LP nom

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Gary Johnson008:20, 30 January 2012
Comments from feedback form - "If Johnson gets the Libertaria..."104:07, 3 January 2012

Gary Johnson

If you're gay or you want to smoke weed legally or you want an abortion, and you want to save money, vote for Gary. (talk)08:20, 30 January 2012

Comments from feedback form - "If Johnson gets the Libertaria..."

If Johnson gets the Libertarian party nomination, I will vote for him. He's right-headed with gay marriage, abortion, and legalization of marijuana; but he is also a seasoned leader and would do well as president. (talk)16:20, 29 December 2011

He won't though. He's too decent of a person. The parties are so polarized now; I wonder if someone like him could win. (talk)04:07, 3 January 2012