Comments:Twitter to allow censorship of posts on a country by country basis

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Discussion on "Censorship of Social Networking Sites"122:18, 31 January 2012
Comments from feedback form - "Good..."305:20, 31 January 2012

Discussion on "Censorship of Social Networking Sites"

How to censor social networking site can prevent the social disturbance?

Nitin Aggarwal05:22, 31 January 2012

It doesn't. It makes it worse. (talk)22:18, 31 January 2012

Comments from feedback form - "Good..."

Good... (talk)10:11, 29 January 2012

How is that good? (talk)20:54, 30 January 2012

Censorship is violence. No matter how radical or disrespectful an statement is, it shouldn't be censored. The Internet should be off-limits to any country, so no country should censor it. Skin color means nothing online. Ideology means nothing online. Age means nothing online. But our freedom to express ourselves: means everything! (talk)04:01, 31 January 2012

How can any government or a single person suppress the independence to express ideas or expressions. this is purely dictatorship. then, why every one blame hitler for being a cruel dictator, he did the same thing. (talk)05:20, 31 January 2012