Comments:Swedish Navy confirms investigation of border violation

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
グッチ 財布002:07, 12 May 2011
Fantastic123:40, 11 May 2011

グッチ 財布

ブランド腕時計; グッチ コピー;

グッチ バッグ;
グッチ 財布
 オメガ 時計; 
IWC 腕時計 
 ブランド レプリカ   


 ルイヴィトン (talk)02:07, 12 May 2011

"She and her family immediately called the the Swedish Navy, believing it to be an exercise and told them to hide themselves better" This made me lol.

Anyway, if it was doing such a bad job of concealing itself, I'll hazard a guess it was a British sub. We really do seem to be hopeless with them. I guess at least it wasn't grounded/crashing into rocks/crashing into another submarine for a change.

the wub "?!"22:09, 11 May 2011

Well, that made me smile.

Interesting that the image is available, considering it occured relatively recenty.

BTech United (talk)23:40, 11 May 2011