Comments:Study says young stars 'shoot water bullets'

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Water Bullets from Stars219:39, 30 August 2017
Comments from feedback form - "SUCKED"119:24, 30 August 2017
Comments from feedback form - "I theorized something like thi..."018:01, 30 June 2012
Comments from feedback form - "It was kind of good."017:10, 28 June 2011

Water Bullets from Stars

I found this recent discovery to be really fasinating as I have always had an interest in the subject of Stars and Planets and their moons (talk)18:46, 17 June 2011

there is no amazement in it as we all know that birth of stars produces water as by product of their formation (talk)10:05, 21 June 2011

Water from stars is news to me. Where did you learn this before 2011? seems to know by 2013, with no works cited.

There is no record of our relatively young sun as an explanation how water got to the planets. Supernovae have been known to expel oxygen, a component. But water was never found in deep space. I'm not 100% sure it's been found!

Please cite one credible space source on this, from any time. (talk)19:39, 30 August 2017

Comments from feedback form - "SUCKED"

SUCKED (talk)14:31, 11 November 2011

Agreed, the news story is missing some key information.

  • What's the name of the "sunlike star" 750 light years from earth where water jets were seen?
  • If there's an image detecting the jets, why don't we see that, and not an "artist's illustration" in the 2 articles cited?
  • Why is there no record of the scientist (Lars E. Christensen) or the team publishing official findings of the phenomenon in Astronomy & Astrophysics (A&A) as promised in 2011? (talk)19:24, 30 August 2017

Comments from feedback form - "I theorized something like thi..."

I theorized something like this around the date this was posted. Our interconnected being shared with me this wonderful knowledge before I even knew it to be true. How exciting! (talk)18:01, 30 June 2012

Comments from feedback form - "It was kind of good."

It was kind of good. (talk)17:10, 28 June 2011