Comments:Study: Birds learn nest building

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Instinct? 102:48, 29 November 2011
Comments from feedback form - "thats only a story not like th..."011:40, 28 October 2011
Comments from feedback form - "Practice makes perfect... Expe..."104:22, 11 October 2011


So does instinct exist or is it a theory, that explains the unknown and seemingly unexplainable, similar to spontaneous generation or god? (talk)01:55, 29 November 2011

Interesting question. But, a poor point to argue for god.

A baby instinctively suckles when hungry and offered the opportunity. I think just about everything else, for humans, is learned.

So, when someone tells you a new device interface is intuitive, you can use b00bies as an appropriately humorous dismissal of the claim.

Brian McNeil / talk02:48, 29 November 2011

Comments from feedback form - "thats only a story not like th..."

thats only a story not like that of an article.........plzzzzzz remove it guysss.....plzzz (talk)11:40, 28 October 2011

Comments from feedback form - "Practice makes perfect... Expe..."

Practice makes perfect... Experience improves results. (talk)14:20, 1 October 2011

I completely disagree with the whole gentic template comment. genetic variances still occur... look at writing for an example humans would technically have the genetic template to write yet some of us use our left hand others use their right. could that not be the same as these birds building left to right and vice versa. its a huge conclusion to jump to. (talk)04:22, 11 October 2011