Comments:Slovenian cyclist Jure Robič dies in traffic accident aged 45

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Jure Robic011:15, 26 September 2010

Jure Robic

It doesn't surprise me that I'm putting up this graffiti to no one in particular, so challenged is the American bicycling community that for the most part we ignore the truly great and original, as our Jure Robic Remains in our hearts forever riding into his particular cycling madness. Thanks to Daniel Coyle for introducing us to the anti-Lance bicyclismo, Jure Robic. We are, a small clan looking for cycling heroes now, despairing, desolate. This man's smile in photos is infectious and kind of off-kilter. Let us now look at our cycling companions and see if the DNA of inspiration courses through their legs also. (talk)11:15, 26 September 2010