Comments:Scottish university to introduce comic studies degree

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
agreed019:24, 9 June 2011
What a Joke...015:40, 9 June 2011

Agreed with the first commenter. What a pointless degree. This will not help us cure cancer or improve nano-technology, nor will it enlighten us on meaningful topics in the way of sociology and philosophy. What's the use (or even just intellectual interest) in a detailed knowledge of comics of all things? Reminds me of the recent degree in 'The Beatles'. Utter useless nonsense. (talk)19:24, 9 June 2011

What a Joke...

Just what the world needs, more degrees in bullshit subjects... This is little more than a way for the university to make some more money, nothing else.

Tadpole256 (talk)15:40, 9 June 2011