Comments:Scottish police force apologises for double-murder by sex offender

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Rights of Criminals108:58, 16 November 2011

Rights of Criminals

First, I would like to send my prayers and thoughts out to the family of the Diane and Holly Fallon. This should have never happened. In saying that, while there were mistakes made by the police, I do not think that all the blame can be placed on them.

It irritates me to no end that we, any law abiding citizen in the world, have less rights than criminals. Why is it so important that to pass legislation to protect or shelter those who have broken laws and in this case even worse, violated children to have any rights at all. This whole liberal idea of everyone can be "saved" or rehabilitated really needs to be reevaluated and the victims and potential victims’ rights put before those of the perpetrators. (talk)12:09, 14 November 2011

Agree whole heartedly that anyone who can be reasonably considered guilty of the violation of a child deserves VERY LIMITED rights. Throw them in a prison forever or execute them on the spot. (talk)08:58, 16 November 2011