Comments:Scientists find key human language gene

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Emphasis on opinion edit

The title of this article is subjective. Finding a 'key' human language gene, while quite possibly being in resounding agreement, is an opinion, not a fact.

The quote that is emphasized on the side of the page is also an opinion. This opinion, in my opinion, could have an effect on readers' opinions. This may cause them to believe there is scientific evidence that the gene in question in responsible for higher cognitive function, and motor function. This is a belief, an opinion, and, in my opinion, not a fact.

Opinions like these may cause conflict. A conflict that could be avoided using more neutral language.

Comments from feedback form - "Good use of quotes and images...." edit

Good use of quotes and images. Could be improved by linking more of the terms. —Sbluen (talk) 23:00, 30 May 2010 (UTC)Reply