Comments:Schoolboy dies in Israel after bus hit by rocket from Gaza

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Tragedy/Another Reason1309:28, 3 May 2011
Article Title110:55, 22 April 2011

Tragedy/Another Reason

This is just another argument for bleeding-heart-liberals to use when trying to end the war in Iraq. Im sorry for the kid and his family and friends but this is why we're over there. When we completely withdraw you can bet there will be way more of this. This is a tragedy. Keep our troops there to keep people alive and safe.

XKingNothing-- (talk)18:42, 18 April 2011

Keep them there so they can shoot a few more Reuters journalists because they mistake a video camera for an RPG.

Brian McNeil / talk18:54, 18 April 2011

Can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs. The world suffers no great loss. (talk)00:42, 23 April 2011

even in a midst of a tragedy XkingNothing does not miss a chance to insult people. Shameful and disrespectful. (talk)20:03, 18 April 2011

Israel should declare war. This is terrorism. (talk)20:10, 18 April 2011

As if Israel doesn't commit terrorism already. It's dog-v-dog war.

Why is this on front page news? (talk)05:20, 22 April 2011

Such as? When has Israel tried to kill civilians? (talk)12:35, 24 April 2011

Terrorism = the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes

They both do it to each other. Do you disagree? (talk)21:23, 27 April 2011

Um... That's not the definition I know. Using violence or threats thereof to intimidate or coerce? That also applies to all actual fighting. (talk)07:01, 30 April 2011

Article Title

The title must be changed. The boy died in Beersheva.

Viralmonkey (talk)10:25, 19 April 2011

What does that conflict with in the title?

Blood Red Sandman (Talk) (Contribs)10:55, 22 April 2011