Comments:Russian Wikipedia reaches half a million articles

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Congratulations on the milestone004:06, 27 February 2010
Half a million is great019:29, 26 February 2010

Congratulations on the milestone

Congratulations to Russian Wikipedia from Marat Fidarov, Jennifer Jennings, myself and our whole company, on reaching half a million articles. This is an important milestone for all Russian speakers of the world. Also, Marat Fidarov is pointing out, very encouraging is the fact that there is a lot of support behind the development of Wikipedia in other languages of the peoples of the Russian Federatrion. Mary L. Maynard, NCVR Inc. (talk)04:06, 27 February 2010

Half a million is great

I never used the discussion feature so I want to test it here and also, as a Russian Wikipedian, I have to say that the 500,000-article milestone was long anticipated and is truly a major event for so many people. --Ssr (talk) 19:29, 26 February 2010 (UTC)

Ssr (talk)19:29, 26 February 2010