Comments:Runways 'destroyed' at Libya’s Benina International Airport

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comments from feedback form - "Contradicting statements to re..."019:12, 9 December 2011

Comments from feedback form - "Contradicting statements to re..."

Edited by another user.
Last edit: 19:12, 9 December 2011

Contradicting statements to reports of unusable runways and arriving aid flights. Leaves readers questioning what the actual situation is.

Regarding the current situation of Benina Intl. Airport in Benghazi, I'd like to emphasize that RW15R/33L is intact, usable and is open to aid relief flights since 1st.April 2011, no harm has been done to the runway whatsoever during the uprising. RW15L/33R is also intact but unusable due to the fact that the adjacent new terminal is under construction.

Submitted by: Jamal S. Agily Benina Airport Director Benghazi-Libya (talk)20:37, 8 March 2011