Comments:Romanian fighter jet hit by UFOs

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According to the article, a video was released. Where can I find it?

I found it as part of a news clip on Youtube: A UFO hits a Romanian fighter plane. terinjokes | Talk 21:42, 12 June 2008 (UTC)Reply

Thanks! —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 21:48, 12 June 2008 (UTC)Reply

The apocalypse is coming. repnt repn REPent223REPENT233REPENT233

I don't find this very wacky, just whoever thinks this has to do with aliens. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 01:30, 13 June 2008 (UTC)Reply

This is NOT a religious incident. Seen a ST: TNG episode about a conwoman who tried to steal an entire society and planet. She used the local religion AS a means to effect the theft. 02:32, 13 June 2008 (UTC)Reply

If they were aliens, probably they were drunk or something similar. Maybe they tasted some of Earth's finest brew, and liked it... —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 06:46, 13 June 2008 (UTC)Reply

Interesting story... with Mantell it was likely a Skyhook weather balloon and he chased it until he ran out of fuel but still, very intriguing —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:00, 13 June 2008 (UTC)Reply

I think the aliens will come 1 day....i had seen a dream in 2 years ago...we can sy dreams never true but who knows!!! it was as far as i think....they will just come here to destroy all the vegetation and thats it...because in that dream as far as i remember the enemy of aliens is only wood....and they can be drestroyed with something like that,,,maybe some sort of wooden weapon i am not so sure —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 02:38, 17 June 2008 (UTC)Reply

uh huh......wtF is wacky about this?........—Toy gunn (talk) 17:00, 17 June 2008 (UTC)Reply

It is a set up of Romanian DoD. Bogus. Nothing hits the airplane. Was only a very old cannopy wich was very stressed and broken. Read the point of view of an Romanian high skill ex-pilot of MIG-21 (V.V ) :,1530.90.html —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 08:52, 19 June 2008 (UTC)Reply

Bull shit.