Comments:Riots in England continue for a fourth night

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Riots005:33, 11 August 2011
Comments from feedback form - "it is good for current events ..."001:57, 11 August 2011

Why? I could see the banks crisis coming, I saw riots coming. We have been run by thick, greedy and self motivated individuals; thats thick on the right side of thick. It's going to get worse, a lot worse; not just the riots but everything in general. I hope i'm left on the side lines,i've done my bit and long as it doesnt affect ( or is that effect), me i don't realy care. I too have learnt to be selfish, just to survive. Well done uk, Can't wait to leave.

Sinto (talk)05:33, 11 August 2011

Comments from feedback form - "it is good for current events ..."

it is good for current events reports (talk)01:57, 11 August 2011