Comments:RTVE's US correspondent gets condemnation for 'false accusations and offensive insults'

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No neutral information120:20, 2 July 2015

No neutral information

This articles is not a neutral information. Nothing has confirmed from the other person involved. This seems a release press coming from a partial source (it was copied in other media word by word). Most sources provided at the bottom of the article are related or involved with Artur Balder (as you can see checking more information on google). This kind of "information" should not provided without further investigation on the issue. I think that kind of articles discredit this website. (talk)20:13, 2 July 2015

I half agree. News neutrality is different from encyclopedic neutrality; it's possible to tell one side of a story, news-neutrally, if one doesn't disguise that that's what's being done. However, in this case there are flaws in the sourcing, and that I'm sad I didn't catch, as the reviewer on this.

Pi zero (talk)20:20, 2 July 2015