Comments:Quakes push Canary Islands up eleven centimetres

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Does This really sound like The Great Millstone mentioned in The HOLY BIBLE023:25, 2 April 2013

Does This really sound like The Great Millstone mentioned in The HOLY BIBLE

The great millstone the angel cast into the sea, Millstone, ( one piece ) that destroyed the great city Babylon. Hmmm. Before the Millstone releases, Tribulation must start, Looking strictly by timeline of events. So don't worry about it, till we are at war. or get invaded, Here in AMERICA... Can't Find AMERICA in the HOLY BIBLE, she sits on many waters, Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic Oceans, Gulf of Mexico, Great Lakes, East, Harlem Hudson Rivers, Statue of Liberty, the person represented was a harlot, This Harlot was also beheaded, and the statue was delivered headless. Oh BTW, The King that rules the seven mountains are the 7 Continents, how many continents are ruled by Obama ? Thank You. (talk)23:25, 2 April 2013