Comments:Pope speaks with astronauts in orbit for first time

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Christianity101:34, 16 July 2011
Poor taste117:48, 18 June 2011
lady's hair019:23, 22 May 2011


Wouldn't this discussion with human beings in space contradict with the pope's religious beliefs?

Rayboy8 (my talk) (my contributions)13:13, 15 July 2011

I have the greatest respect for this Scholar who is bridging the gap with Humanity, Science and Religion. Pope was in charge of the Vatican Library and wanted to retire there, until he was destined to be the Leader, Living God for not only the Catholic Christians but also who for those who question their own faith and seeking answers.

He is an Ambassador for Humaity.

His views are evoloving for peaceful co-existent among the fellow Human beings. He speaks very carefully choosing words and his actions are deeply respected.

I feel inspired by Life, His Mortal as well as Moral existance in this Planet. I admire His Holiness, setting an example for Life form to achieve peace, tranquility.

By speaking to Astronauts His Holiness became the First Religious Leader ( as far I am aware )to show compassion to the Fellow Humans in Space to show Compassion to their well being, sharing their experince. 

He sets an example of Modernity and thereby accepting Evolution of Human Being. Higher Divine power made Him to do that and I will cherish it for Life. He is the Living God.

Rajveetee (talk)01:34, 16 July 2011

Poor taste

I think it's in bad taste for the church to use the space program to advertise, when they slaughtered everyone who worked to get us there. (talk)12:41, 27 May 2011

The current Pope didn't slaughter anyone so I fail to see why he shouldn't send greetings to the astronauts. (talk)17:48, 18 June 2011

lady's hair

lulz I like her hair =P

Ragettho (talk)19:23, 22 May 2011