Comments:Philippines welcomes world's 7 billionth baby

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
How come!013:48, 14 February 2012
How come!013:48, 14 February 2012
How come!013:48, 14 February 2012
How come!013:48, 14 February 2012
Comments from feedback form - "Wow that's great"002:36, 28 November 2011
Poor Choice of Words018:17, 4 November 2011
Criteria222:19, 1 November 2011
method of selection013:09, 1 November 2011

How come the UN can figure out that this baby is the 7 billionth baby in the world! How did they, then, prove it?

Jedd Raynier (talk)13:48, 14 February 2012

How come the UN can figure out that this baby is the 7 billionth baby in the world! How did they, then, prove it?

Jedd Raynier (talk)13:48, 14 February 2012

How come the UN can figure out that this baby is the 7 billionth baby in the world! How did they, then, prove it?

Jedd Raynier (talk)13:48, 14 February 2012

How come the UN can figure out that this baby is the 7 billionth baby in the world! How did they, then, prove it?

Jedd Raynier (talk)13:48, 14 February 2012

Comments from feedback form - "Wow that's great"

Wow that's great (talk)02:36, 28 November 2011

Poor Choice of Words

This is clearly not the "world's 7 billionth baby" if we've reached 7 billion living persons, otherwise we'd all have to be immortal. (talk)18:17, 4 November 2011

Why choose this particular baby, when there are somewhere in the neighborhood of 5 babies being born every second? Clearly there's no way to know that this is exactly the seven billionth, so I'd be interested in knowing the criteria used. (talk)11:07, 1 November 2011

I think it is only an ESTIMATE. (talk)20:36, 1 November 2011

Yeah, I kinda think its not a valid thing to choose who is the 7th billion baby, since its completaly impossible to know. Why even bother and not just give the money they wasted to something useful? (talk)22:19, 1 November 2011

method of selection

How can the UN possibly know that this is the 7 billionth person? (talk)13:09, 1 November 2011