Comments:Philae space probe lands on comet

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I don't mean to be cynical. BUT…100:50, 21 November 2014

I don't mean to be cynical. BUT…

I can see how this can be an amazing feat in Science, and it would be cool to know what was on the comet, but we already know how planets form and the earth formed; God spoke it into existence. We've always known this truth; however mankind loves to push away the truth and end up with some whacko story like evolution and the big bang. Every good scientist doesn't believe in life forming on its own. Just believe the truth. The doesn't change. Whacko theories do.

AKA Casey Rollins (talk)00:00, 18 November 2014
Edited by another user.
Last edit: 00:50, 21 November 2014

Wowzers. With the bare essentials scientists have been able to create the building blocks of life in a lab. If a meteor with those building blocks crashed onto earth then life could begin.

Clarityrestoration (talk)00:07, 21 November 2014