Comments:Philadelphia to become largest city in U.S. without Boy Scout building

Comments from feedback form - "The article is severly incompl..."


The article is severly incomplete. It describes the scout build as being in three different places in philadelphia without any explaination. Was it on Spring Street, Winter Street or the parkway? — (talk) 23:16, 21 June 2010 (UTC)

Comments from feedback form - "This article, even back in 200..."


This article, even back in 2007, has the loss of the scout headquarters as a fore gone conclusion, which of course was the view of the large Gay population of Philadelphia. The Boy Scouts continued to fight in the courts and never left the building. As of last month the Supreme Court has found for the scouts and they will stay there in Philadelphia at 22nd and Winter for as long as there is scouting. — (talk) 02:22, 9 August 2010 (UTC)