Comments:Pentagon 'don't ask don't tell' poll shows support for repeal

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comments from feedback form - "Nice try on corrupting the dat..."021:18, 23 December 2010
Why am I not surprised?018:55, 19 December 2010
Comments from feedback form - "McCain needs to give his head ..."100:23, 4 December 2010

Comments from feedback form - "Nice try on corrupting the dat..."

Nice try on corrupting the data to foster your opinion. Why did the AP article indicate fully 60% of combat personnel felt DADT repeal would adversely affect combat readiness? Your sources - NYT, MSNBC, and CNN aren't exactly unbiased in this matter. So, your article is unworthy of educating anyone seeking the facts. Too bad. (talk)21:18, 23 December 2010

Why am I not surprised?

Why is it I am not surprised that McCain opposes repealing the gay ban?

Could it be because he's Republican and thus anti-progressive or the fact that every single Republican in power is trying to defeat anything any Democrat proposes, especially if its Obama? (talk)18:55, 19 December 2010

Comments from feedback form - "McCain needs to give his head ..."

McCain needs to give his head a shake, something is seriously up with his stance on this issue - I believe he has hidden homosexual desires - hence his staunch opposition to the repeal. (talk)01:28, 3 December 2010

You do realize that science has shown that just because someone is against gays does not not mean they are homosexual as well? Admittedly, I don't have the source (can't remember) but automatically pinning on that is a fallacy.

Unless you're a troll. In which case, U MAD? (talk)00:23, 4 December 2010